Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bangin' Bangs.

Just when I've grown my bangs out to chin level, I'm overcome with the most violent urge to cut them again. I don't really dislike my forehead, but I'm not sure I want the world to stare at it everyday. Thinking about how good it feels to stare out of a thick fringe (I don't like to play around with just any measly bangs, so I go for some major fringe!) Thick bangs always look so sixties, a decade that I have had a very long-term and loving (but open) relationship/obsession with. Anyway, I think I need to be getting my scissors out.

And when I do, I wanna look like this:

Marianne Faithful is a huge favorite of mine and speaking of bangs, it must have been great to apply the bangs to Mick all those years. Lucky.

My other favorite bangs belong to a different sort of Brit, Brit Ekland.
Brit had some major bangs back in the day as well, pre Wicker Man.  She lived with Rod Stewart when he was a young rock god, but not before marrying Peter Sellers.  The story is, Peter fell in love with and proposed to her after just seeing her picture.  I can concur with his sentiments. She was breathtaking.
I miss my bangs. 

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